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Senin, 15 November 2010

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Ponsel

Free Download : (KBBI Mobile) Free Indonesian Dictionary for mobile phones

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah kamus yang biasanya jadi acuan dalam menentukan suatu kata termasuk bahasa Indonesia yang benar atau tidak. Selain itu, menurut penulis, kadang-kadang menarik juga melihat berbagai arti kata yang belum dikenal, bahkan kata yang sudah dikenal pun seringkali menarik untuk diperhatikan lagi.
The Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is the dictionary that is usually used as a reference in determining whether a word is a correct Indonesian word. Furthermore, in my opinion, it is interesting to see the meaning of words that I am not familiar with, even words that I know are sometimes interesting to be studied deeper.

Sayangnya KBBI cukup mahal, berat, dan tak mudah didapat di luar negeri. Untunglah, pada 4 Februari 2008, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional menerbitkan KBBI Daring, alias KBBI online yang gratis. Sejak itu, cukup mudah menemukan arti kata yang bikin penasaran.
Unfortunately the KBBI book is quite expensive, heavy, and not easily obtainable from overseas. Fortunately, on Feb 4th, 2008, the National Ministry of Education released KBBI Online, a free online version of KBBI. Since that, it is much more easier to look for the meaning of a word that makes me curious.

Namun, seperti dugaan penulis, KBBI Daring pernah tak bisa diakses, dan penulis khawatir KBBI Daring tidak bertahan sampai bertahun-tahun. Selain itu penulis sering perlu menjelaskan arti kata di mana saja, jadi KBBI yang bisa dibuka di ponsel tentu sangat berguna!
However, as what I expected, KBBI Online is sometimes not accessible, and I afraid KBBI Online cannot be there for years. Moreover, I sometimes need to explain or get explanation about a word anywhere, so a KBBI that is accessible from my mobile phone is indeed very useful!

Karena itu, penulis persembahkan KbbiMobile secara gratis bagi Anda semua! Data kamus tetap hak cipta Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Therefore, I present KbbiMobile for free to all of you! Remember that the copyright holder is still the Ministry.

KbbiMobile membutuhkan ponsel (handphone) yang mendukung MIDP 2.0 dan CLDC 1.1 (yang agak bagus keluaran 2003 dan selanjutnya harusnya sudah bisa).
KbbiMobile needs mobile phones that support MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 (a quite-good phones released in 2003 and so on should have that support).

Akhirnya, jika berkenan, berikanlah laporan apakah program ini jalan di HP anda, juga saran, kritik, pesan2 dan sebagainya. Selamat menikmati!
Finally, please report whether this software works in your phone. Also please send your suggestions, complains, messages and so on. Please enjoy it!

Download KBBI Daring Version: 1.1.3
JAR file
JAD file

۞Peta Harta۞

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